

Brahman, as both word and concept, contains a profound ambiguity which tends to irritate those who approach the Vedas with an exclusively rational curiosity. Brahman is not only everything and nothing; it is also the highest and the lowest and that which lies in between, prayer, the effusion of the Spirit and the Spirit itself, the sacred formula, its meaning, and its ultimate intention. This hymn tries to portray the unity that nevertheless underlies Brahman. This unity constitutes the mystery of 1. That Sacred word which was first born in the East the Seer has revealed from the shining horizon. He disclosed its varied aspects, high and low, The womb of both the Existent and the Nonexistent. 2. May this ancestral Queen who dwells among beings Stride forth toward primordial creation! I have conveyed to her this shining Sunbird. Let them offer warm milk to the one who is thirsty for worship. 3. The wise who knows from birth this world’s hidden thread discerns the coming to birth of all the Gods. From the bosom of the Sacred Word he brought forth the world. On high, below, he abides in his own laws. 4. Abiding by Cosmic Order, he fixed as his seat the mighty firmaments of Heaven the Earth. Mighty from birth, dwelling in earth and heaven, he fixed those mighty masses, defining their spheres. 5. From birth at depths abysmal the Sacred Word has passed up to the summit; the cosmic ruler, the Lord of the Sacred Word, is her divinity. Just as the luminous day is born from light, So may the radiant singers shine far and wide! 6. Truly the poet’s wisdom enhances the glory Of the Ordinance decreed by God the powerful, the ancient. He was born here together with many; they were found sleeping when the Eastern hemisphere was opened. 7. Whoever you are who approach Atharvan our father and Bruhaspati, the friend of the Gods, with reverence, you shall become the creator of all that is,a sage, a God, invulnerable, self-dependent.


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