
Bathing in Indian Tradition for Scientific Action

A) Its necessary. " लालास्वेदासमाकीर्ण: शयनादुत्थित: पुमानअशुचिं तं विजानीयात अनर्हः सर्वकिर्मासुस्नानमूलाः क्रिया: सर्वा: संद्योपासनमेव चस्नानाचारविहीनस्य सर्वा: स्यु: निष्फलाः क्रिया:"- VadhulaSmrithi - SnanaprakaraNam According to this injective reading a person who just gets up from his bed after his night's sleep is striclty considered impure because of the salivary and sweaty impurity of his body .Hence such person is declared ineligible to perform any sacred activities All sacred deeds including Sandhyopasana (The daily worship at Sandhya) are said to be performed only after a proper bathing. All the activpities of a person with out Bathing .
B)Place and time for bathing. " नदीषु देवखातेषु गिरिप्रस्थ्रावणेषु चस्नानं प्रतिदिनं कुर्यात् सर्वमाप्रसिद्धये" For the fulfilment of all ritualistic performances onec should take ablutions daily in rivers or Natural water sources which are considered to be divine or mountain springs . Taking an ablution before dawn or at the time of dawn is said to be equivalent to the Prajapatya rite and such bath relieves one from all dreadful sins.
C) Constituent Parts of An Ablution.Rectial of Sankalpa sukta hymns, Marjana( holy sprinkling with support of hymns), Rectial of Aghamarshana Sukta hymns, offerings to Deities and offerings to Seers -are the five routine ancillaries of a usual ablution D) Types of Bathing. There are several types of Bathing depending on the nature, purpose and occasion. From body point of view there are four types of Bathing 1 शीर्षस्नानम् (Sirshasnanam) - Taking bath over the head 2. कन्ठसनानम् (Khandasnanam) -Taking bath upto neck. ३. कठिस्नानम् katisnanam - Taking bath mupto waist 4 . स्नातस्नानम् – Repetitive BathingThere are certain material based Bathings which are called Gauna Snanas (गौनास्नानम् ). They are Prokshana Snana, Gayatra Snana, Agneya Snana, Vyavya Snana, Haridra Snana, Kapila Snana etc. and Vishnu, Viprapadodka Snanas; The last two types of Gauna Snanas are devotion- based. Including some of the above seven types of special Bathing as . 1 .मान्त्रस्नानम् - (Mantra Snana)– Bath with the support of hymns such as “ Apohishtomyo Bhuvaha” etc. The same is called Prokshana Snana also.
2. भोमस्नानम् Bhawma Snana – (Earthen Bath) - Bathing with clay applying all over the body This is curative of diseases also.
3. आग्नेयस्नानम् - ( AgneyaSnanam) – ( Bath with remains of fire) “ Agneyam Bhok Snanam” Bath with ashes of certain herbs offered in fire as a part of rituals. This cures some Diseases.
4. वायवस्नानम् Before the twilight while the folks of cows return home from meadows after grazing, dust from the earth rises by the touch of the hooves of thoses cows. Getting besmeared all over the body with that dust the air carries, is called Vayavya Snana.
5. दिव्यस्नानम् (Divine Bath) – Taking bath under Sunshine ( also called Atapa Snana) or taking bath under the showers of rain is called DivyaSnanam. Next are very soon....

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